
Make Logs Hurtful Again.

Traditional debuggers print boring error messages.
Why not spice things up a bit?
The Rude Debugger prints insults along with your errors,
because nothing motivates you to fix your code
faster than a machine making fun of you!

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About BadLog

Enter a bold debugging realm where humor confronts the usual error messages. In a landscape dominated by predictable feedback, BadLog introduces a sprinkle of wit. As coding languages progress, so too should our interactions with them. Embrace BadLog's playful sarcasm, conquer the bugs, and always remember: It's all in jest!


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What makes BadLog unique?

While most debuggers focus solely on pointing out issues, BadLog turns each error into an opportunity for levity. It's not just a tool—it's an experience, reminding developers that it's okay to laugh at one's mistakes while mending them.

Why do we use it?

In a world where coding is both art and science, why should debugging be bland? With BadLog, developers not only address their code mishaps but also get a light-hearted nudge, making the process a tad more engaging. It's not just about identifying errors; it's about enjoying the journey of rectification.

Where does it come from?

Born from the desire to make the coding environment less stern and more enjoyable, BadLog is the brainchild of developers who believed that a pinch of humor can lighten the load of debugging. Merging wit with functionality, it's a fresh take on traditional debuggers.

Where can I get it?

Discover the world of BadLog on its official GitHub page. Dive in, explore its features, and bring a touch of humor to your debugging routine.